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Mar, 2024

Special Members Only Meeting Supplemental

As promised, the President and JASA's Board of Directors are providing additional materials and information for your consideration related to Monday’s Special Membership Meeting.  We ask that you review these materials in advance of Monday’s meeting so you can be as informed as possible before casting your ballot vote.   

Please find FAQs and other information related to the proposed arrangement with the Wilmington Hammerheads under the About JASA tab of our website, the majority of which has already been shared with members.   Please note: the President will have final ballots at the meeting for your completion.   Lastly, as mentioned in materials previously shared with you over the past few months, the proposed arrangement is not a corporate merger between JASA and the Wilmington Hammerheads.   JASA will continue to exist and be governed by the Board of Directors, which will retain ultimate fiduciary oversight in connection with any agreement with the Wilmington Hammerheads.

You may have heard from one JASA member who has alleged there are conflicts of interests present with regards to the Board’s consideration of this opportunity.  In an abundance of caution, these claims were recently brought to the attention of legal counsel for review.   After this review, it is still the position of the Board that no conflicts exist under either state law or JASA policy.  If, however, you are aware of any information that could change this understanding, please provide them to the Board as soon as possible and prior to the member meeting so the Board may assess and, if necessary, address any concerns.   

As mentioned in the prior meeting notice, while this opportunity has already been heavily discussed amongst the membership, the President and Board realize that you still might have questions and want to make sure they are answered for you before you vote.  If you have final questions, please email them to [email protected] and the appropriate person will answer your question by email or phone call.   In addition, our Director of Coaching, the Wilmington Hammerheads Executive Director, Parents that have experienced both JASA and Wilmington Hammerheads, as well as other JASA representatives will be available in-person at the JASA Soccer fields prior to the start of the meeting (from approximately 5:30-6:30pm) to answer any final questions you may have for them about this potential arrangement or about their organization as a whole.  


PO Box 7063 
Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540

Email: [email protected]

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